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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

To Read PDLG’s Commitment to Inclusion & Equity Click Here
Past Webinars

Click the images or titles to view replays of our previous webinars!

Summer KickOff

For our last webinar before a summer break we had a great community conversation on three topics:

1. Connecting with each other & taking time to acknowledge ourselves in ongoing complexity and flux – personal, professional, and global.

  • What are we learning as we go?
  • Where do we sense new possibility?
  • What do we perceive is still needed?

2. Touching base on ICF Accreditation changes in 2022

What they are, what it means for you in your coach learning journey, what you need to know.

3. Summer book/podcast club

What are you looking forward to reading/listening to this summer?
Community share for inspiration!

A Candid Conversation About Racism

Our community participated in a powerful conversation about the Black experience in Canada, and about the impact of systemic racism on our Black colleagues and friends.

Donna Forde was the powerful voice that shared her experience with us, and allowed us to express some of our pain and confusion and fears and hopes around this topic.  Donna is a member of our coaching community and a faculty member of our Business Coaching Advantage Coaching Certification Program™, and has been leading many conversations for leaders about racism, systemic injustice and the Black experience over the last few weeks. CLICK HERE for a replay of this powerful webinar conversation.

Here is a resource to help prepare for other candid conversations on race and racism: CLICK HERE

Leader Panel

Stories from the Frontlines of Leadership – our panel of leaders discussing how a coaching approach is helping people lead, and coach leaders through this crisis.


Resilience & Leaders

A conversation on cultivating resilience with a focus on the role of leaders in supporting resilience in their teams. Download selected slides here: Resilience and leadership – guidance for resilience conversations

Mindful Resilience

Introducing a resilience framework along with simple mindfulness practices

A Coaching Approach to Leading During the Pandemic

A coaching approach allows leaders to respond, adapt, learn fast and lead wisely. This PDLG webinar is from a joint session of the ICF GTA and the HRPAO.  

Webinar - End Times
Coaching for the End Times

An interactive, resilience-based discussion with focus on how to address heavy topics, like the “end times” theme we’ve noticed, while holding a safe, encouraging, enlightening space for clients.

Additional resources:

  • A PDF of a short, written Embodiment Exercise – Noticing What Is Present – for use with your clients. Download here!
Coaching and Leading Around Burnout

An interactive session about being in conversation with ourselves and others around burnout, overwhelm and mental health distress (including knowing when to suggest additional resources).

Additional resources:

Coaching (and Leading) with Inclusion in Mind

Our first webinar of 2021, where we begin the process of exploring the issue of inclusion – where it shows up for ourselves, and where that impacts the leading and coaching space.

CLICK HERE for a replay

Embodiment, Coaching & Resilience

In our final conversation of the year we invite you to explore connection to yourself and others, resilience and inner wisdom through the lens of embodied dialogue.

CLICK HERE for a replay: We explore embodiment in the following ways:

  • How do you tap into embodied wisdom?
  • What is the connection between mindfulness and embodiment?
  • The use of embodiment to create insight and sensemaking
  • Linking embodiment to resilience
COVID Check-In for Leaders & Leadership Coaches

A resilience-based discussion, with focus on such questions as:

  • What are the conversations we want and need to be having right now – with ourselves, with our teams and leaders?
  • What is important to be talking about, as the pandemic persists and “powering through” has become a potentially unsustainable long-term response?
“I did much research and sought recommendations into the best coaching training in North America and the Business Coaching Advantage program came to the top. So I entered the training with high expectations, and the training, facilitators, and other participants exceeded all my expectations.”
Michael Perry
President, SpringHill Experiences
“Going through the course and the practicum has rejuvenated me professionally. It is as if I have found the missing piece to my leadership skills. Business coaching makes so much sense for the education sector. The feedback from my clients on how I have helped them has inspired me to want to practise these skills with other leaders., in our organization and elsewhere.
Lynne Griffith-Jones

Special Announcement!

We have decided to offer our flagship Coaching Advantage for Leaders Programto the public in a virtual delivery this spring. We think it is particularly timely to make this special offering to the public, and to do so with “pandemic pricing” so that a broader audience can access it.

This program is for LEADERS in organizations and draws on the content and approach from our Business Coaching Advantage Certification Program™ – take advantage of our special offer and experience powerful, interactive learning to elevate your leadership impact.

Click Here for More Information

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Resilience & Emotions

Looking at the emotional aspects of resilience and the idea of cultivating a reservoir of positive emotions Download the Resilience Framework here: Resilience Framework